PROGRAMWednesday, February 1, 17:00-19:00 Maison de la Recherche de la Sorbonne Nouvelle, 4 rue des Irlandais, 75005 Paris, Salle Athéna, rez-de-chaussée (Métro ligne 10 Cardinal Lemoine / RER B Luxembourg) Conference-Debate: Luttes sociales et luttes féministes aux USA The Fight for Workers’ Rights & Women's Rights in the US Today Keynote by Michael Goldfield and Cody R. Melcher Followed by Round-Table: Donna Kesselman (UPEC-IMAGER), Elizabeth Faue (Wayne State University), James Cohen (Sorbonne Nouvelle-CREW), Christen Bryson (Sorbonne Nouvelle-CREW) et Émilien Julliard (CNRS-IDHE.S)
Thursday, February 2 Salle des Thèses, bât P CMC, Université Paris-Est Créteil (Métro ligne 8, Créteil-Université) 9:00 Conference Opening Welcome from Université UPEC: Guillaume Marche, Directeur of IMAGER, UPEC For the Conference Organizing Committee: Donna Kesselman (UPEC-IMAGER), Hélène Le Dantec-Lowry (Sorbonne Nouvelle-CREW), James Cohen (Sorbonne Nouvelle-CREW),
“On Michael Goldfield”
9:45-11:15 Panel 1: Reframing Southern Narratives Chair: Barry Eidlin,Associate Professor of Sociology, McGill
“Using Michael Goldfield’s Approach to Examine the Latino Southwest”
“The Lost Opportunity Thesis and the Sociology of the Civil Rights Movement”
11:15 - Coffee Break
11:30-1:00 Panel 2 Mobilizing Workers: Labor & Race Chair: Mathieu Hocquelet,Chercheur, Sociologie du Travail, Céreq
“The World War II ‘No-Strike Pledge’, anti-Black “Hate Strikes” and Racial Divisions in the CIO”
“Organize the South!”: Black Workers for Justice and Black Political Power in North Carolina, 1980s-1990s”
“Not Just a Class Issue! The Dynamics of Organizing at Amazon Minnesota and Staten Island Warehouses”
1:00 - Lunch break
2:30-4:00 Panel 3 Interactions and Intersections, part (I) Chair: Hélène Le Dantec-Lowry, Professeure émérite, Sorbonne Nouvelle-CREW
“Resisting Despite the Odds: the Case of the Oklahoma Teacher Walkout of 2018”
“Claiming Power: Race, Gender, and the Successes of the 1968 Statewide Florida Teachers’ Strike”
“For Better or for Worse, You are Opinion-Makers in the Community”. A Political History of Black Radio and Disc-Jockey Organizing (1940-1970)”
4:00 - Coffee Break
4:15-5:30 Panel 3 Interactions and Intersections, part (II)
Chair: Cécile Coquet-Mokoko,Professeure de Civilisation des Etats-Unis, UVSQ
“‘Get the Pharaoh Off the Community’s Back!’: Interracial Class Struggle, Social Movements, and Repression Under Gentrification in Neo-colonial Atlanta, 1966-2015”
“Where Are the Workers?: The Class Question in Civil War Memory Studies and the Political Economy of Blue-Gray Reunion”
Friday, February 3 Maison de la recherche de la Sorbonne Nouvelle, 4 rue des Irlandais, 75005 Paris, Salle Athéna, rez-de-chaussée (Métro ligne 10 Cardinal Lemoine / RER B Luxembourg) 9:00 Opening & Coffee
9:30-11:00 Panel 4 (Re)Defining / (Re)Thinking the South, Part (I) Chair: Anne Stefani,Professeure en civilisation américaine, Université Toulouse-Jean Jaurès-CAS
“Northern Virginia (NOVA) vs. The Rest of Virginia (ROVA)”
“Segregation and Music Selling: Rethinking Southern Distinctiveness through Consumption”
11:00 - Coffee Break 11:15-12:15 Panel 4 (Re)Defining / (Re)Thinking the South, Part (II) Chair: Jean-Christian Vinel,Professor, Histoire américaine, Université de Paris Cité-LARCA (CNRS-UMR 8225)
“A Return Home or a Yankee Invasion? The Reverse Migration to the South and to Atlanta since the 1970s and the Regionalization of the Black Identity”
12:30 - Lunch break
2:00-3:00 Panel 5 Imagining Another Civil Rights Movement: Counterfactual Analyses Chair: Pauline Peretz, Maîtresse de conférences HDR en histoire contemporaine, université Paris 8 Vincennes Saint Denis, Membre senior de l'Institut Universitaire de France
“The United Steel Workers of America, Africans-Americans, and mccarthyism, 1945-1955”
“Revisiting “Opportunities Found and Lost”: Labor and Social Reform Movements in the 1940s US South”
3:00 - Coffee Break
3:15-5:00 Round Table “WHAT IF” Chair: Nelson Lichtenstein,Distinguished Professor in History, University of California, Santa Barbara
5:00 Keynote - Michael Goldfield, Professor Emeritus, Wayne State University
6: 00 Cocktail
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